Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh it's been so very long

I meant to post this a few months ago, but life got in the way.

So, November 1980 and we sat our GCE 'A/O' level General Studies exam. It was an exam all those in the VIth Form had to sit at that time. This was mainly due to the fact that it had been a compulsory qualification for those wanting to go to University. I didn't. I also knew I wasn't bright enough. So, in effect for me it was pointless as it didn't count towards the qualifications I needed for Polytechnic. That said it was nice to see the shock on the Head of Years face when the results came through. I was the Queen of re-sits, so apparently he was expecting more of the same from me.

Besides my English Language 'O 'level it was the easiest exam I ever sat. Two Grade A's coming right up...

Please enjoy one of my revision tunes courtesy of an outing on Q Radio's Q The 80's , but in the unfamiliar (to me) 12" version.